Collaborative Concept Intelligence
At its core CollaborativeCi represents a non monetary investment type where contributors use their individual passions, skills, abilities and time to create something of significance.
We will wake sleeping brilliance and empower magnificence regardless of wealth or status. We are an entity of conceptual hopes, dreams and passions with a power beyond imagination. A new era of collaboration is emerging that will change everything….
Founded by Warren Leroux
Wake Up. Come Home
The Foundation For Everything
The project represents the pioneering journey of the collaborative concept intelligence community. I invite Like minds who share passions or who’s goals are in alignment with mine to join me and create wonders.
My Personal Website
The general reaction I get when I tell people that my end goal is to do everything I can to contribute to the betterment of humanity is one of awkward silence, smirks and genuine disbelief
Open for Collaboration
200BradyStreet is a data-driven platform designed to centralize and visualize global information about automated enforcement tickets, freedom of information requests (FOI) and municiple bylaws.